High School Girls Policy Network

Policy Leadership for High School Girls

Great news! Voice4Equity and Discovery Education are partnering again for a third year to offer this great student program to school districts nationwide!
The Girls Policy Network is focused on policy voice and leadership and designed for sophomores, juniors and seniors who have had at least one year of public high school experience. The goal of this program is to engage students in exploring policy issues that matter most to them.
What they are saying about the High School Girls Policy Network:

“The H.S. Girls Policy Network is a highly unique student leadership program that brings diverse students together from across the nation to develop their policy voice. Our student participant from Columbus Public Schools further developed her confidence and self awareness of her empowered voice for changes she wants to see in her community.”

Mia Prewitt – Columbus City Schools – Supervisor of Student Leadership and Engagement

About the Network

Data shows that only 27% of the nation’s congressional seats are filled by women, 27% of the nation’s School Superintendent seats are filled by women, and only 20% of U.S. businesses are owned by women. More intentional support is needed to prepare young women to have a greater voice in their communities across sectors.

The mission of the Voice4Equity Policy Leadership program is to engage more high school girls, particularly girls of color, in policy discussions that impact their school, their community and their future. This program is for students who are committed to their personal leadership development, and who want to develop their civic voice. Participants will learn how to turn their desire for change into a potential equity policy solution that improves their school community.

Four questions are explored in this interactive program:

  1. What is an equity policy and can I as a student influence policy?
  2. How do I develop my policy voice and ensure that I am heard?
  3. Who are the greatest influencers in my community; where did they get their power?
  4. How can we, as students, organize for collective impact?

The program closes with a culminating activity where the students prepare and present a policy issue of their choosing.

How To Get Involved

If you are interested in providing this leadership development program for your high school girls, please complete the form below to schedule a planning meeting with a Dr. Alicia Thompson, Voice4Equity Superintendent in Residence.

Upcoming Programs 2024/2025:
Cohort I:  October 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 – 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm Central Time
Cohort II: November 5, 12, 19, Dec 3, 10 – 4:00 to 5:30 pm Eastern Time
Cohort III: January 7, 14, 21, 28, Feb 4 – 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm Pacific Time


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