Women Superintendents’ Policy Leadership Academy

The Voice4Equity Women Superintendents’ Policy Leadership Academy is the only professional learning program designed for women leading the way for equity and inclusion in public education. The Fall Cohort is forming now!

The Women Superintendents' Policy Leadership Academy is the premier learning space for women engaged in education policy making.

Advance your knowledge and skills related to educational leadership.

Voice4Equity’s Policy Leadership Academy offers multiple program offerings for women interested in advancing their knowledge and skills related to educational leadership.

We remain engaged with the women in the Academy through capacity-building support and training focused on policy leadership and equity policy planning. To this end, we utilize the Culturally Responsive Policy Ecosystem™.

The Policy Leadership Academy supports women leaders via:

  • A cross-national network
  • The promotion of shared strategies and ideas
  • Engaging participants in discussions regarding current challenges and opportunities related to the development of an equity agenda
  • Shared solutions to meet the learning needs of every student, particularly those from historically marginalized communities

Equity Policy Leadership

One of the programs available through the Academy leads to a credential in Equity Policy Leadership. The curriculum includes instruction on understanding and designing for the policy ecosystem, growing policy knowledge and voice, building policy networks and recruiting influencers, and applying policy leverage for lasting change.

The credential requires the completion of three modules (courses):

  • Module I: Getting to Equity
  • Module II: Uncovering Mindscapes for Equity & Inclusion
  • Module III: Powerful Equity Networks

Participants can take the modules online, in-person, or hybrid on a schedule and pace that suits their individual needs. The modules are available at different dates and times, typically in spring, summer, and fall.

Schedule a free consultation meeting with Dr. Kishimoto.
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Dr. Gloria E. Ciriza describes how the Voice4Equity Women Superintendents’ Policy Leadership Academy prepared her to lead as the Superintendent in San Diego County.