Tiana Hill, Voice4Equity
Tiana Hill, Voice4Equity

As we head into December, it can be a great time to slow things down, even as the world around us gets busier with the holiday bustle. December 21st marks the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year and the longest hours of darkness. This period is often celebrated as a time to hibernate and turn inward. It is a time for regeneration, renewal, and self-reflection.

Join me for a 45-minute restorative practice where we will hold floor postures, giving us time to settle into them. You can use this time to reflect on 2022 and set an intention for what you would like the new year to hold. Restorative yoga is a beautiful practice to pair with releasing the old and inviting the new. For several years, I taught a Winter Solstice yoga class that included journaling and intention setting. It is a powerful practice and one that you can enjoy in the comfort of your home. After your practice, grab your journal and a mug of your favorite hot tea, and pen your thoughts and the intention for the new year.

You may want to use a block, strap, or hand towel for this session. Get creative and use the tools available to support your practice.

I will see you on the mat.

May you have a wonderful holiday season! I look forward to seeing you in the new year!
