A Conversation with Dr. Sonia Dinnall, Superintendent, Springfield Public Schools (MA)

Superintendent, Dr. Sonia Dinnall


Dr. Sonia Dinnall is a trailblazer in education, having made history as the first black woman superintendent of Springfield Public Schools. With a strong focus on community and academic success, Dr. Dinnall is committed to ensuring the best education possible for all students. In her discussion with Dr. Christina Kishimoto, Dr. Dinnall emphasized the importance of representation and mentorship in leadership roles, particularly for women of color. Dr. Dinnall’s dedication to empowering others and fostering a supportive network highlights her commitment to advancing education and equity in Springfield Public Schools.

Enjoy the conversation with Dr. Dinnall and Dr. Kishimoto below.


The following transcript has been edited for length and clarity.

Dr. Kishimoto 

Hello everyone. I’m Christina Kishimoto, I am here with The Stories We Must Tell, and we have a great story. I have an incredible guest with me today, Dr Sonia Dinnall.  Welcome. Dr Dinnall. 

Dr. Dinnall

Thank you so much. It is an honor and a privilege to be here.

Dr. Kishimoto

We sound really formal, but the fact is, Sonia and I are friends and colleagues. I have such deep respect for her work. She is a sister of mine, and we’ve kept track of each other’s work nationally, so this is really a lot of fun to sit with a colleague and friend today. 

Let’s get right to it. You are starting as superintendent of Springfield Public Schools in Springfield, Massachusetts, which is 30 miles or so north of Hartford, Connecticut, which was my stomping grounds for a while, and your stomping grounds. So, we have a lot to talk about there. First, congratulations! You must be excited about this appointment.

Dr. Dinnall

I am definitely excited. It’s surreal, because I was born and raised in Springfield, and so this is a full-circle moment. I never considered being a superintendent of Springfield, but here I am. I’m grateful for the opportunity and I’m looking forward to it. 

Dr. Kishimoto 

It’s pretty exciting to be going back to your hometown and community to serve there in the top seat, the CEO seat, the superintendency. On the show we often talk about that there’s a point in time for leadership and serving our communities. What makes this so special for you at this point in time? 

Dr. Dinnall

Certainly, it’s important for me now, because I’m able to come back and serve the children of the children that I had as a teacher, as a middle school science teacher. I am now responsible for the educational well-being and the academic success of the children of those I went to high school with, or the children and the grandchildren of those who were my students. So, it has been a number of years. 

My first day on the job at Forest Park Middle School here in Springfield, and it’s just an honor to be entrusted with such an important task, such an important responsibility. It’s a moral imperative to ensure that all our students receive the best education possible.