From Insight to Action: Student Agency Driving Excellence in Hartford Public

Dr. Leslie Torres-Rodriguez
Dr. Leslie Torres-Rodriguez

The vision of Hartford Public Schools (HPS) is that all students graduate prepared to transform their world. In support of that vision, the District is committed to providing students with opportunities for agency and leadership.

The Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council (SSAC) stands as a beacon of student agency and collaborative problem-solving. This innovative council, comprised of 35 high school students from diverse backgrounds, actively partners with the Superintendent and Central Office staff to drive continuous improvement and systemic change within the district.

SSAC members bring invaluable perspectives to district-level decision-making, leveraging their lived experiences and insights to inform policies and practices. By engaging in initiatives such as Board Governance workshops, leadership elections, and partnerships with the Connecticut School and State Finance Project, these students are not only learning but leading. The SSAC leadership team sits on the Board of Education in regular meetings, sharing monthly reports aligned to issues lifted by their peers and ensuring student voice influences district decisions including 2024-2025 budget.

While the SSAC oversees district-wide issues, there are also groups to support leadership initiatives at the school level, such as the Social Justice Club at University High School of Science and Engineering. The club was formed in response to a student-raised request for city bus passes that would allow students equitable access to free transportation before and after school. Knowing that transportation was a barrier that prevented some students from participating in school activities outside of the normal hours, the Social Justice Club met with state lawmakers to advocate for new legislation. Their successful legislative efforts resulted in the creation of a pilot program for free student bus passes in both the capital city of Hartford and a similar urban city, New Haven.

The commitment of student advocacy groups like these align with the District Model for Excellence, ensuring that top-notch teaching and learning, welcoming culture, robust family partnerships, and skilled staff are prioritized. Through consistent communication and advocacy, our students are shaping the future of Hartford Public Schools, proving that student agency is not just a concept but a powerful force for productive change and excellence in education.

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