Dr. Julie Vitale and I met in April 2023 in San Diego at the Leading While Female Conference as we took the stage to share a bit about our stories. I was so taken by Dr. Vitale’s story that I reached out to connect one to one with her so that I could share our discussion with you today.
Dr. Julie Vitale has been superintendent of the Oceanside Unified School District since 2018 and previously served in the top seat at Romoland School District, also in California. Ten years of executive-level leadership has emboldened Dr. Vitale to leverage her positional power to lead honest discourse about equity and inclusivity for students, staff, and community. Under her leadership, the Oceanside school board instituted a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Department, raised the pride flag at district offices for the third year in a row and partnered with the North County LGBTQ Resource Center for staff training. In addition, she was part of the inaugural Lead with Pride Summit, a first-of-its-kind event focused on creating safe and affirming spaces for LGBTQIA+ students and staff, now in its second year.
Bold equity-based leadership does not come without pushback, but Dr. Vitale has embraced what is right over what is easy. Watch and listen to our discussion and learn more about this incredible leader.
Watch the conversation with Dr. Kishimoto and Dr. Julie Vitale on YouTube below.
Read the transcript of the interview with Dr. Christina Kishimoto and Dr. Julie Vitale here.