Superintendent Galván and Tiana Hill in the Wellness Corner
Superintendent Galván and Tiana Hill in the Wellness Corner

Just in time for back to school, August kicks off our first edition of Tiana’s Wellness Corner. I am so excited to share my conversation with Superintendent Zandra Jo Galván of Greenfield Unified School District in California. Superintendent Galván has been serving in this role since August 10 2017. She has worked in public education since 1993 and began her career as an elementary teacher for the GUSD where she also attended kindergarten through graduation

Superintendent Galván was gracious enough to take some time during her summer vacation with her family in Hawaii to share why being a fit leader is so important to her.

As you will see from our conversation, she is inspiring others to live a fit lifestyle to help balance the challenges of being a school leader.

Read our chat, or better yet, watch our conversation here. I guarantee you will leave with more energy than you came with!


“I love having my administrators and teacher teams take July off completely. I need them to rejuvenate and refill their cup.”
— Superintendent Galván



Thank you so much, Superintendent Galván, for taking the time to chat with me during your summer break. Dr. K introduced me to your workout videos on Twitter. So, I’m super excited to chat with you. You always look like you’re having so much fun. Thank you for being here.

Superintendent Galván

Thank you so much. And it’s an honor to be here and to meet you, Tiana.


Yes. Same. Tell me, how did you get started in fitness?

Superintendent Galván

I’ve been active with sports, high-energy things all my life. I have fun climbing or going on hikes and just enjoying the environment. And so, as a young girl, probably when I was in first grade, I started playing local softball and basketball within the community. And then, it just launched into ensuring we stayed well and fit with our lives. So, a lot of that stemmed from an early upbringing of staying active.


What is a fit leader? And why is that important?

Superintendent Galván

So fit leaders is a national movement that I landed on during the pandemic when we were trying to figure out what we would do to stay grounded and balanced when all these crazy things were happening around us. And so, I met colleagues online through social media and on Twitter, and we started exercising together. And there were fitness challenges every month. And I’m a competitor, so I love challenges. So, they said, alright, this month, it’s a burpee challenge. And this month is going to be a water drinking challenge to make sure you stay hydrated. Then, the following month was a different challenge, like getting outdoors with your family. So, it had all these different challenges that a group of leaders put together. And then, the challenge would be to post yourself daily doing this exercise and hashtag leaders. And that’s how it started.

I will say it’s interesting to see the response from certain people. They’re like, I can’t post that. And I’m like, why can’t you? You need to because you will support others in doing the same things that we know we need to do to keep that healthy balance.


What made you start posting to Twitter? I imagine sharing on social media could cause anxiety in some people who may not feel comfortable doing that.

Superintendent Galván

Absolutely. I think everybody has a different comfort level when it comes to whether they want to share or not. So that is really up to them. People can post what their workout was, or they post selfies, or they’ll post themselves actually doing it. I find that at my leadership level, when it comes to the superintendency and people in that role, it’s a place where they’re not sure whether they should share that side of them, that vulnerability side, but we all need it.

Oh my gosh, the superintendent life is a really tough one with the level of things that we have to deal with politically on a day-to-day basis. To have that balance is so critical. So, I do it for myself, but I also do it for others. To give them permission to just do it. And it’s been really cool when I go to conferences and different places, I get to see people that know me, and I don’t know them yet. That’s the coolest thing, ‘like Zandra, you don’t know this, but I’ve been watching your videos, I’ve been trying the simple things you’re doing, and I’ve already lost 30 pounds.’ I’m like, oh my gosh, wow. And another person will tell me, ‘I’ve lowered my cholesterol because of staying active and getting outside. Or I’ve engaged my whole school staff. And now we’re meeting in the middle of the school and going for a 20-minute power walk. Or at the end of the day, we go for another quick 30-minute power walk.’ That means a lot.


Wow, that is inspiring. We know the school year can be busy and maybe sometimes stressful. So how do you stay motivated for your health and fitness throughout the school year?

Superintendent Galván

Every morning I do my workout. I love to dance. That’s my jam. I’m up at 5:30, 6:00, or 6:30, depending on the day. I work out for at least 45 minutes to an hour. My thing is Zumba, hip hop, those kinds of things. And those endorphins start rolling in, and you become happy, so I feel so much better to start my day that way. And when I can start in that manner, I give my best self to those I’m serving. That is how I keep the balance. If I miss a workout in the morning or that dance movement, I feel super bad because it becomes a habit. And then, I feel I did not show up as my best self to those who needed me the most.

On the weekends, I’ll include the family. We’ll do something together, whether we’re walking, swimming, or we’re exploring. So, that keeps that family life balance, too.

And for the school system, we’ve integrated fitness classes for our team. I asked my team, teachers, and classified staff what they needed to keep balanced. And most of them said, ‘we like to socialize, but we aren’t able to do that as much. So, what can we do here?’ So we got the staff together for end-of-year events and different celebrations to bring them together to break bread and have a good time for that balance.

In addition to that, we started fitness classes. We did early morning and afterschool aerobics, hip hop, and Zumba. They liked that because it gives them the little extra balance they need because they are working super hard.


Absolutely. So, is that something that is on the campuses, or is it virtual?

Superintendent Galván

We did both. We had virtual and on-campus options and had classes at one of our gyms. In addition, we hired fitness instructors, some of which were our local nurses on site that knew how to teach fitness classes and outside instructors.


That’s so awesome. That’s one of the questions I had. How do you encourage school leaders to implement those healthy habits, but it sounds like you are doing that by offering classes for them.

Superintendent Galván

I will say the other balance is coming out to Hawaii and other really cool places during the summer.

I love having my administrators and teacher teams take July off completely. I need them to rejuvenate and refill their cup. They give so much, and we can’t pour from an empty cup. We’ve seen those quotes before.

I’m on Waikiki beach in Hawaii with my family. Today is my husband’s and my 26th wedding anniversary. So, we brought the family here to enjoy and celebrate together, so when I start school next week, I can bring my best self to everyone I get to serve in Greenfield.


Congratulations on 26 years! And it starts with the leadership. It trickles down, and it makes its way to our kids. So, it is necessary to fill ourselves first, and we can give back to them.

Superintendent Galván

Absolutely. It makes such a big difference when you are feeling good. Your question earlier was about the superintendency, the level of leadership, and the demands on leaders. No matter what leader level, whether you’re a classroom leader as a teacher, a principal leader, a district office leader, a superintendent, a board member leader, or a community leader, everyone is feeling the pressure of so many demands on us. And so, we can sit there and work, work, and grind. And then the next day grind, and then the next day grind. What happens is you don’t feel that sense of fulfillment. Am I making progress? Am I doing the right thing? When you do that and then step away for a minute, you revive and rejuvenate. And then you can bring even a fuller self to that next project or that next opening. So, I’m really excited about Monday. I get to see staff and teachers coming back and I’m going to be so pumped and excited to see them because I have that wellness aspect in my life.


Right, you go back refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready.

Superintendent Galván

Absolutely. And so are they. I’ve already gotten messages from teachers like, ‘I got a job in your district, and I’m so excited. We’re going to be able to do these great things.’ And so, they’re super excited as well. So, it’s a mutual benefit.


Well, it’s exciting to see. Dr. K and I are having a great time watching. So lastly, what can we expect to see in the future? What are you working on?

Superintendent Galván

Yes, oh my gosh, there are so many cool things we’re working on. Within our school district, we’re excited about bringing kids back, getting out of the pandemic, and reimagining what schools will look like.

We’re excited about all the artificial intelligence, the metaverse, the web 3.0, and looking at virtual reality and those kinds of things. We’ve done a great job over the last few years doing robotics, connecting with Apple, Lego, and Google Apps for Education, and working with some Silicon Valley executives. So, we’re excited to continue that work and prepare students for a future they don’t even know will exist. And we are tapping into their talents and allowing them to thrive in a world they’re going to create. So, I’m really excited about designing experiences with our administrators, teachers, and classified team members that will respond to the kids’ needs.

For my team of leaders, we’re excited about moving into a year together and finally getting to a sense of normalcy. Last year was our first year back after kids hadn’t been in classrooms a full year, for three years. So, with my team, reinvigorating them, each individually and collectively, to do great leadership work and to make sure that we’re doing everything that we can to serve our kids. So, that’s exciting.

When it comes to the universe, the national platform, and the school platform, I’m really excited about what Greenfield can contribute to the platform nationally. Not only do I get to be the Superintendent of Greenfield, but I am also the president of an organization called CALSA, which is the California Association of Latin, Latinx, Latino, Latina Superintendents, and Administrators. We have some great things planned for our members throughout the state of California, and through our affiliates across the nation, regarding women’s leadership, networking, Latin leaders, and all female leaders. My big passion is to ensure that our females don’t ever doubt themselves. And that they realize and know they’re enough for anything they want to submit their application for, and that we’re going to help support them in achieving that. Also, really excited to help students of color within my organization and my school district. We serve about 98% of students of color. And we want to make sure that a zip code or income level will never predetermine their success and that they can do anything possible. Those are the things I’m excited about when it comes to others.

For myself, I’m excited about continuing this journey by spreading kindness and wellness. And continuing to navigate these waters of saying, yes, it’s okay to post. Yes, it’s okay to be you. Don’t ever let a title change who you are. Be true to your authentic self so that you can bring that to the level of leadership we need to be present. We need to be authentic to transform the lives of the students we serve and inspire the leaders we work with every day.

Those are some of the things that I’m super excited about as we enter this next school year.


Wow, so many wonderful things to be excited about. We’ll be watching. We’re excited to see how this new school year goes and all that you’re doing. We appreciate all the hard work you do for our kids. So, thank you so much.

Superintendent Galván

Thank you so much, Tiana. It’s been an honor and a privilege.


It’s been wonderful. Enjoy the rest of your vacation, and again, happy anniversary.

Superintendent Galván

Thank you so much.

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Follow Superintendent Galván on twitter @zjgalvan