Tiana Hill, Voice4Equity
Tiana Hill, Voice4Equity

Back to school is one of the busiest times for educators. Therefore, wellness tends to be low on the list of priorities. Even though we are aware of the importance of self-care, we may feel selfish for taking time for ourselves when so many other things need to be done.

Self-care has seemingly become synonymous with self-indulgence, such as bubble baths, mani-pedis, and massages. While those activities can absolutely be part of a self-care ritual, self-care is more than that. Self-care is any activity that leads to overall physical and mental health. It includes all the activities and rituals one can take to manage everyday stressors and care for one’s overall health and well-being. While self-care is different for everyone, it requires checking in and asking, how am I doing, and what do I need at this moment?

“While self-care is different for everyone, it requires checking in and asking, how am I doing, and what do I need at this moment?”
— Tiana Hill

For me, this looks like joining a virtual fitness class, taking walks with my pup, enjoying a nice cup of coffee or tea, journaling, and reading a great book. These activities are vital to my mental and physical health. And what makes them so great is that I don’t need to spend an hour doing any of those activities to reap the benefits. Instead, ten minutes a day is enough to reset the nervous system (even less than ten minutes). Here’s a study that found that ten minutes is enough to get the blood flowing for cardiovascular health.

Ten minutes is a great start to build a new daily routine. And maybe you add on a few more minutes if you have the time and energy. Maybe not. But don’t do nothing because you can’t do more.

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • A 10-minute walk before or after work or during a lunch break.
  • Ten minutes of quiet time while you enjoy a healthy snack or meal. Try this quick and easy garbanzo bean salad.
  • 10 minutes of journaling
  • A calm meditation to start or end your day
  • 10 minutes of yoga or stretching

Breathwork you can do anywhere, anytime. Try this box breathing technique for as little as two to three minutes to experience the benefits of a calm body and mind.

As leaders, one of the best ways to support our educator’s well-being is to help them protect those precious 10 minutes. So how can we ensure they have a few minutes each day to reset? I would love to hear from you. Send me an email @ and tell me how you protect the ten (#protecttheten), and you may be featured in our next newsletter.

Our Q&A this month is with Shawn Brown-Brumfield, author of The Purpose Driven School and founder of Pasadena Rosebud Academy Charter School in Pasadena, California. Shawn advocates for health and well-being and encourages her educators to make self-care a daily habit. Read our chat here.

Until next time, be well.
