Women Warriors Leading for Equity

On June 19, 2023 at the When Women Lead education summit, eleven outstanding women executive leaders will be recognized from across nine states: Alabama, Arizona, Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, Nebraska, Ohio, and Wyoming.

These women boldly lead with a focus on equity, which means they honor their students’ and community’s history and stories. Their leadership is a non-negotiable stance on justice for children. Furthermore, these leaders are nationally respected because they are active contributors to the important policy conversations of our time, while bringing deep love and respect for all children and their families.


Equity Warrior Award Winners

We are honored to bring attention to their leadership and accomplishments. They serve as role models to others who may think that because of their upbringing, accent, skin color, and humble beginning they are limited. These leaders are living proof of how ceilings are shattered, biases are overcome, and disempowering norms are replaced.

Our honorees are all Equity Warriors!